Web Site Analytics


West Springfield Design Web uses the ” Statcounter” Program to follow all traffic to your site
Below are Powerful features, from the Stat Counter web site, that help you easily understand your visitors and make better decisions about your website.

Summary Stats

Summary stats show you at a glance how many pageviews, sessions, visitors and new visitors your site has received. View summary stats per day, week, month, quarter or year or for a specific date range or period. Switch between bar graphs, area graphs and line graphs and toggle on and off pageviews, sessions, visitors and new visitors.

Popular Pages

This feature allows you to see the pages of your site ranked by popularity. This information is important to allow you to identify the most heavily visited pages, and optimise them for maximum impact. It can also help you discover potentially important pages which are getting overlooked. This could indicate poor navigation structure or linking to that page.

Entry Pages

An entry page is the first page a visitor arrives at when they visit your site. There are often a lot more of these than just your homepage. It’s important that the first page a visitor loads on your site makes a good impression and this feature can help you identify which pages are the most commonly used entry pages. It can also highlight pages you did not expect to be entry pages, which you can subsequently optimise to keep a visitor on your site and drive them to your key pages..

Exit Pages

Exit pages are the pages your visitors leave your site from. This feature shows you the most common Exit Pages, allowing you to optimize those pages to keep visitors on your site.

Where the Visitors Came From

This is one of the most important stats for any webmaster. This feature allows you to see how your visitors are finding your site, and where they are coming from. This can help you identify, for example, links on other sites that are working and those that aren’t and help you trace where people are referring to your website.

Keyword Analysis

Traffic from search engines is the lifeblood of most websites and many webmasters are familiar with the importance of ranking high in search engines for keywords relating to their site. This feature allows you to view the keywords used to reach your site, ranked by their popularity. This can help you identify keywords that are working and those that aren’t so you can optimise accordingly. For example, if you know a particular keyword is generally very popular for your type of site, but StatCounter indicates that it ranks low among the keywords used to reach your site, then there is an opportunity there to optimise for that keyword and generate more traffic from it. You can also group keywords according to the search engine used, to focus in on results from specific engines

Search Engine Information

This feature allows you to see which search engines generate the most traffic for you. This can be useful in determining if your site is performing as well as it should be in specific search engines, or if certain important search engines are missing.

City and State Visitor Came From

This feature allows you to identify the geographical location of visitors to your site and their internet service provider (ISP). Asides from the fun of seeing all the different places your visitors come from, this tool can be useful in identifying if you need to be catering more toward international visitors. For example, if a large number of visitors are coming from another country, it may be worth investigating translated versions of your site, or whether you should accepting that country’s currency (if you’re an eCommerce website). You can also view the State or Regions of your visitors, and the cities they come from.

What Did They Download

Do you have a download on your website? Perhaps a PDF, picture or Excel file? If you do this stat can tell you when your visitors are clicking these downloads!